July 2020
Time for a Talent Review
Ensuring Your Organization Can Handle the Turn to the New World of Work

Organizations have seen leaders step up, inspire others and make a difference during the Covid-19 crisis. Likewise, there have also been leaders who floundered amid the uncertainty and volatility. As planning for the reopening of business proceeds, it's important to ensure that you have the talent available to handle the new world of work. 

If you haven't completed a robust assessment of your talent at all levels recently, it's time for a refresh. And even if you have completed a recent review, it may be helpful to revisit because the demands placed on organizations and leaders have shifted dramatically. If your organization has never completed an assessment of its talent, there couldn't be a better time or business case than now to get going.

Strategy Driven Leadership
Webinar Series Recordings

Presented by Michael Couch and Richard Citrin

If you missed our recent webinar series, don't despair. You can watch the informative presentations any time on YouTube. Just follow the links below.

In A Crisis, Organizational Culture and Resilience Matters

By Michael Couch and Richard Citrin
July 23,  8:30 - 9:30 AM

How do employees feel about their organizations' response to the pandemic? Find out . . .

Even in the best of times, organizational culture matters. Now, during a global crisis, organizations with clear and aligned cultures are able to bounce back quickly, pivot and bounce forward. In other words, they are more resilient.

This webcast will cover the results of current and active global research on employees' perceptions of their company's response to the pandemic. We will discuss what's working, what's not and what organizations can do to build their resilience now  . . . and for future challenges.

Strategy-Driven Leadership: The Book

"This book should be read by every CEO and HR Executive who wants to develop his or her team to be the best they can be. Maybe then, companies would stop wasting thousands if not millions of dollars on training programs that are nothing more than simply a nice time together.

Authors Michael Couch and Richard Citrin do an outstanding job of explaining why traditional training doesn't work and what companies should be doing instead. This guide is indeed a playbook that contains their time tested approach to building strong leaders who are able to excel in any situation. Buy the book. You'll be glad you did."

Roberta Matuson
Author of Evergreen Talent and the Amazon bestseller, Suddenly in Charge

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