Through People
I was interested to read a quote from Google’s Sr. V. P. of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, in which he stated that, ““G.P.A.’s are worthless as a criteria for hiring, and test scores are worthless . . . We found that they don’t predict anything.” ...
Read More >Effective strategic talent management practices can have an affect on business performance. However, there are plenty of potential pitfalls that can derail the best succession management, leadership development and culture improvement efforts. Here’s are the top 5 of the the more common one’s I’ve run...
Read More >As many of my clients look ahead to the tsunami of leaders that will be leaving their organizations in the coming years, a big question I often get asked is, ‘Where do we start?” My clichéd answer is, “At the top!” However, I don’t just mean that...
Read More >The raft of baby boomers set to retire is astounding at some companies. I had a client that has been in existence for decades that recently experienced the largest per capita retirement in their history – many in leadership and executive roles. Add to this...
Read More >I recently had the privilege of visiting several of US’s most successful and admired organizations, including Google and Facebook. It was a marvelous opportunity to experience how these rapidly growing and innovative firms leverage culture. A comment by our Facebook host really stuck with me....
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