“Michael was a superior coach and facilitator for our Senior HR team meetings. I found him to be confident and efficient, with the experience, technical skills, and “been there, done that” to elicit the respect of the group. His suggestions were insightful and led us to value-added solutions. Overall, the outcomes we achieved surpassed my expectations. I look forward to having Michael continue his work with our team.”
Steven F. Baue
Director, Human Resources
Joy Mining Machinery

“Mike is straight-up the best meeting facilitator I’ve ever encountered. He is naturally gifted at focusing a group of people on a common meeting objective, building consensus, and developing a plan to communicate decisions to stakeholders. His skill set is very rare and his talent is versatile enough to be applied to almost any business problem.”
Josh Jordan
Senior Marketing Manager
Ventana Medical Systems

“Working with Mike was like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time: we had a crisp, three dimensional picture of our organization. What had been a blurry impression was drawn into sharp focus. We gained a window into our organization, clearly seeing the topography and we can now confidently chart our course forward.
The process catalyzed our organization’s managers and leaders to act decisively to remove barriers to talented people in organization; and step in with a compassionate but effective plan of action where someone was struggling.”
Jennifer Ciccone
Past Officer and VP of Human Resources
Matthews International

“Mike works very well with our team and has earned the respect and trust from our people very quickly. He delivers what he promises and in a timely and efficient manner.”
Denny Wist
President and COO
Thomas Steel Strip

“As I sit here and reflect on Wednesday’s meeting, I can’t but help but smile at the simplicity of the workshop and the skill in which you led us through the process. I have had some wonderful coaches over the years playing sports, and a handful of fabulous teachers. You are right up there among them. You have a wonderful gift and presence putting individuals at ease. It was a pleasure having you work our Board.”
Gretchen R. Burnham
President, Board of Directors
Union Aid Society

“I enjoyed meeting you and want to thank you for doing such a good job in pulling our thoughts together into an effective action plan. As we discussed afterwards, during my thirty-two years in the tire industry and nine years in the environmental industry, I’ve been through 20 -25 such sessions and your leadership and refereeing skills were the best I’ve experienced. Again thank you; I’m very appreciative of your efforts.”
B. Drew Banas
Executive Director
Loyalhanna Watershed Association

“Your excellent facilitation allowed us to gather a lot of input from a short meeting – I was impressed!”
Tom Saunders
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

“We received great value from the project and good ideas on how to move forward and work towards growing our people and improving our business. Your experience and insights were invaluable and greatly appreciated.”
C. Michael Dempe
Chief Operating Officer
iDL Worldwide

“Michael Couch consistently exceeded our expectations. His approach to Strategic Talent Management was as efficient as it was effective. Not content to rely on cookie-cutter solutions, he really listened to our needs and offered an immediately executable solution. His innovative vision yet grounded perspective provides a unique contribution to the Pittsburgh Human Resource and Organization Development community.”
Christy Uffelman
Vice President – Employee and Organizational Development
Mascaro Construction Company, LP

“ . . . the time we spent in working on our strategic plan for the coming year was very worthwhile. I came away with some good ideas, a better understanding of what we are trying to do and where we want to go. I look forward to the results of your efforts.”
Philip E. Tack
Quality Life Services

“Great Results, Personable, An Expert – Michael assisted me as I transitioned into a new role as an Executive Director of a non-profit organization. We spent time thinking strategically about the important issues I would be facing in my first 90 days. I began with a definite game plan in hand and had a successful first 90 days. Michael’s experience, knowledge and insights made my job transition easier and more successful.”
Dale Hayden
Executive Director
The Pittsburgh Experiment

“The results from the project were far better than we had hoped – our members felt that we were listening to them and that we appreciated them. The Conservancy came away with very useful feedback on their interests and concerns.”
Carey Scheide Miller
Director of Development
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

“Your insight and approach has been very helpful to us.”
Lyn Lambrecht
Senior Director – Organizational Development & Staffing
Giant Eagle Inc.

“I like to start meetings on time, end them on time and accomplish what we set out to do. Recently, Michael Couch facilitated a two-hour action planning session for us, and he did all of that and more. We came up with about 100 fundraising and publicity ideas, reduced those down to the seven top actions steps to help us quickly get the money and land we need to start our green cemetery, and he increased our chances of short-term success. What I really liked, though, was that for each action step he got a leader to step forward and take charge of that step. He really took our group to a new level. I highly recommend that you get Michael’s help to help move your group or business forward.”
Pete McQuillin
Board President
Green Burial Pittsburgh

“I worked with Michael for 5 years as we created a new business unit and acquired and developed a facility to support the new unit. Mike has a very impressive team leadership background in corporate resource management, strategic planning, and implementation. He was instrumental in executing the strategic plan used to successfully launch the company’s new business unit. Michael has the talent and expertise to improve the effectiveness of any team, process, or person in any company. He is an outstanding individual and I recommend him highly.”
Donald Conway
VP – Business Development
Flexible Metal Inc.

“I cannot say enough about Mike’s abilities and the work he performed on my behalf and that of our company. We were a better company because of Mike’s work.”
Gerald L. Puff
General Manager (Retired) – Butler/Zanesville and Mansfield Works
Armco/AK Steel

“Michael’s experience in working with senior executives that allows him to understand their business challenges and then recommend quick and easy solutions that provide tangible results, make him invaluable.”
Cheryl Paxton
Field Talent and Organizational Development Manager

“I hired Michael to help me look at my business more closely to improve my business strategy. We identified problems and brainstormed new ideas in an organized way. I gained valuable insight into the steps needed to move my business forward. I highly recommend him for improving business strategy and effectiveness.”
Lynda Stucky
Clearly Speaking

“I just want you to know how valuable your articles are. I put together a marketing team using some of the philosophies you had published. We decided that we were going to listen to the market and were going to identify solutions as opposed to products. We began to find value in information we would previously have disposed of when we were in our hierarchical, specialized silos. In the past six weeks we have issued proposals to new companies or companies we haven’t done business with for years. The info on your website gave me the inspiration and conviction to see the world in a new way and that I was not alone in this. Thank you. It’s working.”
Rick Brown
O’Connor, O’Connor, Lordi, Ltd.

“His varied background, coupled with his character, make Michael a consultant who can deliver whatever he promises his clients.”
Chris Posti
Posti & Associates

“Michael’s hands-on operational and OD experience have taught him what really works to efficiently identify and implement effective strategies and processes. I’m extremely impressed with his ability to keep a group focused and making timely decisions.”
Peggy Fayfich
HR Leadership Forum of Western PA